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About me

Daniel Malimata is an artist based in the Philippines. He completed his Senior High School at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) under the Arts and Design Track. Daniel is currently an Architecture student at the same University.


Growing up, his skills were honed by participating in various art competitions such as  Editorial Cartooning up to Regional Level, Sci-Art winning at champion on a National Level, Poster-making, Doodle-making, and Mural Painting contests at school and the University.


His curiosity encouraged him to engage in different mediums such as acrylic paint, watercolor, and ballpoint pen producing diverse pieces while exploring his art style.


Daniel enjoys learning new things leading him to enter the world of Pixel Art. He gets his passion for art by studying the concepts of artists like Claude Monet, and Youtube Artists such as AdamCYounis, SLEW, and James Gurney.


Daniel is also a freelance artist doing commissions for various clients, whether digital or traditional art.

© 2021 by Daniel Malimata

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